Thursday, June 18, 2020

6/18/2020 - Pre-Surrender

We like options. We like to know what we’re getting into. We like that sense of control that comes from considering a proposal and deciding whether or not we want to go with it. And for most areas of our lives, this is a good way to operate. It’s wise to consider your options and carefully choose the best course of action.

But, when it comes to hearing from God, we need to pre-decide what our answer will be. When we approach God from a mindset of “God, please show me what you want me to do, and then I’ll decide if I want to do it or not,” that’s a recipe to not hear very much from Him. We can hear from God and see what He’s up to so much clearer when our attitude is, “God, before you say a word, my answer is ‘yes!’”

That sounds scary. What if God asks me to do something really difficult? What if He totally changes my plans? Yup. That happens. But, do you really believe that you know better than the One who not only sees the future, but also created you? God knows you better than you know yourself. Every time I’ve argued with God or felt like He was taking my life in a direction I wasn’t sure I wanted to go, I’ve been so grateful in the end. It always seems to work out better than if I had just gotten my way in the first place.

To really hear from God—to see what He’s trying to do in your life—you must come from a place of pre-surrender. The issue is not what might be asked of you, but who is doing the asking. God is good—so good! He loves us more than we can fully understand. Whatever He asks you to do—even if it’s really difficult—it is absolutely going to lead you somewhere better than you imagined. You can say “yes” with confidence before God has even spoken a word. That’s the kind of absolute trust God is looking for, and we can see and hear Him so much better when that is the condition of our hearts.

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